

Julian Assange, a man who was known by very few people in the world a few months ago, is showing that the most powerful empire that ever existed in history can be challenged.
The daring challenge was not coming from a rival superpower; from some State with more than a hundred nuclear weapons; from a group of nations with enormous natural resources, something the United States cannot do without; or from a revolutionary doctrine capable of shaking the foundations of the empire that bases itself on pillage and exploitation of the world.
It was one single person of whom we had heard mentioned in the press.  Although now he is famous, we know very little about him, other than the highly publicized imputation about his affairs with women, without using the due precautions in the days of HIV.  A book has not yet been written about his origins, education or his philosophical and political ideas.
Nor do we even know the motives that led him to the stunning blow that he dealt the empire.  We only know that he has morally brought it to its knees.  
 The APF news agency informs today that the “creator of WikiLeaks shall remain in prison even though he was granted bail [...] but he shall have to stay behind bars until the appeal presented by Sweden is resolved; Sweden is demanding his extradition on the grounds of alleged sex crimes.”
“…the lawyer representing the Swedish State, […] announced their intention to appeal the decision to set him free.|
“…Judge Riddle established the condition of bail set at $ 380,000, the use of an electronic bracelet and compliance with a curfew.”
The same dispatch informed that in the event that he is set free “…he has to live at a property belonging to Vaughan Smith, his friend and the president of the Frontline Club, the London journalists’ club where WikiLeaks has had its headquarters for the past few weeks …”
Assange stated: “‘My convictions are unshakeable.  I remain faithful to the ideals I have expressed.  If this process has done anything, it is to increase my determination that my ideals are true and right’ …”
The brave and brilliant American film-maker Michael Moore stated that he has offered WikiLeaks his website, his servers, his domain names and anything else he can provide to “…‘keep WikiLeaks alive and well while it goes on working to expose crimes that were concocted in secret and committed on our behalf and with our tax-paying dollars’...”
Moore states that Assange “is suffering ‘such a merciless attack’ […] ‘because he has shamed those people who have hidden the truth’.”
“…‘notwithstanding whether Assange is guilty or innocent […] he has the right to pay bail and defend himself’. […] ‘I have joined forces ―for this reason― with film-makers Ken Loach and John Pilger and writer Jemima Jan and I have offered money to pay his bail’.”
Moore’ contribution came to $ 20,000.
The American government barrage against WikiLeaks has been so brutal that, according to ABC News/Washington Post polls, two out of three Americans would like to take Assange before the US courts for having divulged the documents.  In contrast, nobody has dared to contest the truths they contain.  
We don’t know anything about details of the plan drawn up by WikiLeaks strategists.  We do know that Assange distributed an important number of communications to five large media transnationals; at this moment they have the monopoly on much of the news, some of them being extremely mercenary, reactionary and pro-fascist such as PRISA in Spain and Der Spiegel of Germany, using them to attack the more revolutionary countries.
World opinion will be closely following everything that happens in the WikiLeaks story.  
Upon the right-wing Swedish government and the warmongering mafia of NATO, who so love to invoke freedom of press and human rights, shall fall the responsibility about whether or not we can know the truth about the cynical policy of the United States and its allies.  
Ideas can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.       
Fidel Castro Ruz
December 14, 2010                                                          
9:34 p.m.

