
“ The people were being kept ignorant, because it is only over ignorant people that the political cliques could keep themselves in power; only over ignorant people could bad governments keep themselves in power; only over ignorant peoples could a bloody tyranny set itself up.”
References to the original: Speech given at the mass meeting on Avenida de Michellson in Santiago de Cuba, March 11

“Colonies have no say; colonies are not known in the world until they have a chance to express themselves. That´s why our colony was unknown to the world and the problems of our colony were not known to the world”. 

References to the original: Speech at the UN Headquarters, US, on September 26, 1960

“The peoples of the Americas freed themselves from Spanish colonialism at the beginning of the last century, but they did not free themselves from exploitation. The feudal landowners assumed the authority of the Spanish rulers, the Indians continued in painful servitude, the Latin American man in one form or another remained a slave and the minimal hopes of the peoples succumbed under the power of the oligarchies and the strap of foreign capital”.

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962

“And in the face of the objective and historically inexorable reality of the Latin American revolution, what is the attitude of US imperialism? To prepare to wage a colonial war with the peoples of Latin America; to create the apparatus of force, the political pretexts and the pseudo-legal instruments signed with the representatives of the reactionary oligarchies to repress with blood and fire the struggle of the Latin American peoples”.

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962
“Above the lies and slander, above the repression and force, of propaganda and imperialist crimes, the Cuban workers and peasants have buried capitalist society for good, as a veritable corpse that can never again come back to life.”
References to the original: Speech at the ceremony held at Moscow’s Lenin Stadium, USSR, May 23, 1963
“Many have been the attempts by the United States to destroy the Puerto Rican nationalism, to destroy the Puerto Rican culture, to destroy every single distinctive feature of the Puerto Rican people […]”
References to the original: Speech given at the ceremony to welcome the Cuban Sport Delegation which participated in the Tenth Central American and Caribbean Games, held at the ‘Latinoamericano’ Sports Stadium, June 29, 1996
“And what do other countries, many other Third World countries, do with their natural resources?  They have handed them over to the imperialist monopolies.  …In the future, great poverty will await them in the midst of the expansive habits that capitalism, colonialism and imperialism have inculcated in a minority.”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the mass public farewell on the Africa Esplanade in Algiers, Algeria, May 16, 1972