
“…work, organize and put into action the spirit of creation, the enthusiasm of Cuban women, so that Cuban women, in this stage of the revolutions, will see to the disappearance of the last shred of discrimination;  and so that Cuban women, because of their virtues and merits, will take the place corresponding them in the country’s history.”
References to the original: The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) is constituted, thus taking a new step in the direction of unity of all the people around the revolutionary directorship, August 23, 1960
“Along with the Revolution, one of the most unjust forms of discrimination that has existed has been disappearing: discrimination against women, of the kind that was not talked about but which lay there, continued to exist and weighed heavily upon the women of our country.”

References to the original: Speech given at the closing ceremony for the Third National Plenary Meeting of the Federation of Cuban Women on the Isle of Pines. February 19, 1965

“Along with the Revolution, one of the most unjust forms of discrimination that has existed has been disappearing: discrimination against women, of the kind that was not talked about but which lay there, continued to exist and weighed heavily upon the women of our country.” 

Speech given at the closing ceremony for the Third National Plenary Meeting of the Federation of Cuban Women on the Isle of Pines. February 19, 1965

References to the original: Speech given at the closing ceremony for the Third National Plenary Meeting of the Federation of Cuban Women on the Isle of Pines. February 19, 1965
“The anachronistic privilege of veto and the abusive use of the Security Council by the powerful are enthroning a new colonialism within the United Nations itself..”
References to the original: Speech made at the UN General Assembly Special Session commemorating the 50th anniversary of the organization, New York, USA.

“Racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia are not naturally instinctive reactions of the human beings but rather a social, cultural and political phenomenon born directly of wars, military conquests, slavery and the individual or collective exploitation of the weakest by the most powerful all along the history of human societies.”

References to the original: Speech at the World Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, September 1, 2001
“Let us, who have always been excluded, join efforts to establish a just, equitable and sustainable world order. Let us preserve the United Nations and make it serve the people. Let us defend peace. Let us struggle for our rights, conscious of the fact that nothing will be given us for free.”
References to the original: Message to the Second South Summit of the Group of 77 plus China held in Doha, Qatar, June 15, 2005

"No citizen is discriminated against in Cuba.  All citizens are provided with free health services some of which would cost thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars in US hospitals; also provided are high education services for the youths -- whether they have a relative abroad or not -- which would also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars".

References to the original: What is true and what is false, September 20, 2008