
"The rumble of weapons, menacing language, marking arrogance on the international scene, must cease. Enough already with the dream that the world’s problems can be resolved with nuclear weapons. Bombs may kill the starving, the ill and the ignorant, but they cannot kill hunger, disease or ignorance.”
References to the original: Speech at the XXXIV Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

“Peace is just the primary condition so that we can overturn, according to our beliefs, the colossal sources of energy and resources necessary for all of humanity, and not just for one part of it, to be able to live honourably, decently and decorously.” 

References to the original: Speech at the Closing of the Meeting of the Presidency of the World Peace Council, Havana, April 21, 1981

“We revolutionaries, by our natures, are optimists.  But we do not believe in spontaneity: we believe in peace, in détente, in the civilized coexistence among governments, we must attain them with our struggle and with our strength”.

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Closing Ceremony for the Meeting of the Presidency of the World Council for Peace in Havana
“While violence and war spread and reign in the world, Cuba and its people will rise up as defenders and symbols of the most human and genuine principles that must and can reign on this Earth.”
References to the original: Speech made at the opening ceremony of the Second Olympics of Cuban Sports at the Ciudad Deportiva, April 18, 2004.
“Let’s plant ideas, and there will be no need for all the weapons created by this barbaric civilization; let’s plant ideas, and the irreparable destruction of our natural habitat will be prevented.”
References to the original: Message to the Eleventh United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, June 13, 2004

“We do not fear dialogue; we do not need to invent enemies; we do not fear the debate of ideas; we believe in our convictions and with them we have known how to defend and continue defending our homeland”.

References to the original:

"I really think that no country in the world should possess nuclear weapons and that energy should be put at the service of the human species. Without that spirit of cooperation, humankind marches inexorably towards its own destruction. Among the citizens of Israel themselves, a hard-working and intelligent people without a doubt, many do not agree with that absurd, irrational policy that is also taking them down the road to total destruction".

References to the original: Reflections: "Genocidal Cynicism (Part Two and end)", November 13, 2011