
"The fact that the existing economic order is untenable is proved by the very vulnerability and weakness of the system which has turned the planet into an enormous casino and millions of people, sometimes whole societies, into gamblers distorting the function of money and investment, since what they seek at all costs is not production or the increase of the world riches but to turn money into more money.  Such a distortion will lead the world economy to an inevitable disaster."

References to the original: Speech given on the 40th Anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, held at Cespedes Park in Santiago de Cuba on January 1st,1999

"Tourism has created a demand that has contributed to the revitalization of other sectors of the country’s economy. The policy implemented has been aimed at supporting national production intended to meet the requirements of tourism, while observing their competitiveness, stability and quality".

References to the original: Key address at the Inauguration of Playa Pesquero Five-Star Hotel and Holguin tourism resort

"Nowadays men of science occupy a place of honor at research centers, laboratories and in factories producing medicines destined for human health, to overcome distances, concentrate energies, perfect investigation equipment so that it can function on earth and in space".

References to the original: The Human Species’ Uncertain Fate, 8 October 2016