
"(...) when men and women fight in a country, that country becomes invincible."

References to the original: Address by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at Céspedes Park in Santiago de Cuba, on the 1st of January of 1959

"This tribute could not have been more pure, this gesture could not have been more noble, nor could it have been more noble, brothers of Venezuela, to have received from this noble and heroic people a greater favor than the one received by the people of Cuba from the people of Venezuela tonight".

References to the original: Speech by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the Plaza Aérea del Silencio, in Caracas, Venezuela, on January 23, 1959
“Our Revolution has four things and they precisely constitute reasons to be admired by the Cubans: this is, in the first place, a revolution that has people; it is a revolution where the government of the republic can say that it has an army; it is a revolution that makes laws that are truly revolutionary.”
References to the original: Speech given at a rally held on his return from abroad, at the Civic Square, May 8, 1959
“There is no other force capable of mobilizing peoples like ideas.  By the time when the revolutionary ideas have materialized and it is no longer necessary to keep on fighting, when the aspirations of the Cuban people are satisfied, then these demonstrations will no longer be necessary […]”
References to the original: Speech delivered in the city of Santa Clara, June 21, 1959

“I reaffirm my conviction that Cuba will march forward, that Cuba has a great destiny and a great people deserving the glory they are earning with their heroism in time of war, their virtue in time of peace and the courage they will show again a thousand times if again a thousand times it were necessary to take up arms”.

References to the original: Remarks made at the Garzon Avenue in Santiago de Cuba. November 30, 1959.

“They can make our people disappear from the face of the earth, but they can never defeat it; because our people with their reason, with their heroism, with their dignity, with their shame and their greatness of spirit is an invincible people, and it is a people that must be respected.”

References to the original: Speech at the ceremony handing over the fifth police station to the Ministry of Education to be converted into the Educational Centre.January 11, 1960.
“If gold were able to do more than ideals, our homeland would be lost, because gold is what our enemies have a lot of, to buy conscience.  But nevertheless, all our enemies’ gold is not enough to buy the conscience of a revolutionary!”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the closing ceremony of the construction workers’ congress at the Blanquita Theatre, May 29, 1960