
"(...) it was clear that that the 26th July Movement had the overwhelming support and sympathy of the people (APPLAUSE); it was clear that the 26th July Movement had the almost unanimous support of Cuba's youth"

References to the original: Speech on his arrival in Havana on 8 January 1959

“This revolution was not made by one class; it is an important fact. It was not done by one class, it was done by the youth; at least it was the youth that began the revolution and then the people gradually joined it; and after the youth, it was the peasants, these men who live off the land, away from the cities, because these were the first to come”.


“This revolution was not made by one class; it is an important fact. It was not done by one class, it was done by the youth; at least it was the youth that began the revolution and then the people gradually joined it; and after the youth, it was the peasants, these men who live off the land, away from the cities, because these were the first to come”.


"The next generation will be better than we are, but we shall be the ones who have made that better generation possible. We shall be the ones who forge that future generation. "

References to the original: Speech delivered as closing remarks for the meetings with Cuban intellectuals held at the National Library, June 30, 1961
"Trusting in our youth is like considering them the best raw material of our homeland, the best raw material of youth, of the Revolution; trusting in our youth is like seeing all what our youth can do; it is thinking of them as honourable followers of the revolutionary work; it is considering them the best followers or builders of the revolutionary work, even better than ourselves."
References to the original: Speech delivered at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress of the Association of Rebel Youth, held at the Latinoamericano Stadium, April 4, 1962
“What we give young people are the elements with which to judge reality, those that are right in front of them, the elements that make up the work of a revolution. What we give young people is a worthy cause to defend, a just cause, a heroic cause, a glorious cause. What we give young people is a beautiful cause. What we give young people is what the heart of every young person asks for and needs: something to fight for, a decorous path for one’s life. What we give young people is a notion of tomorrow. What we give young people is what could not even be conceived of yesterday: the future, the image of the future, a future that will be entirely theirs…”
References to the original: Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz closes the First National Congress of the Secondary Students Union held in the José Martí Revolution Square, August 10, 1962

“We want the youth to be well-educated, well-schooled, well-organized, well-trained, and well-informed. The Revolution has perhaps no more important task than this--the preparation of the new generations for a superior life, a better life, a different life”.

References to the original: Speech made at the end of the academic year function in the ‘Alvaro Reinoso’ Sugarcane Technological Institute, Matanzas, November 13, 1964