
“The National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists and the Saíz Brothers Association will keep in close contact with these young cultural workers through the booming movement, which will come into being as thousands of art instructors join every year.”.

References to the original: "Speech given at the graduation ceremony of the Schools for Art Instructors in "Ernesto Che Guevara" Square" , October 20, 2004

“Glory be to these young people! Glory be to these new saviors of lives who are taking this noble medical profession to new heights of dedication and ethics, never before seen in this world!  They embody the kind of doctors claimed for with desperate urgency by billions of people”.

References to the original: Speech given at the first graduation of students from the Latin American School of Medicine, August 20, 2005

“Thus, a marvelous avenue is opening leading to the education of the youngest generations in the appreciation and sensitivity towards the arts while paving the way for the ambitious purpose of attaining a widespread comprehensive general culture for all of our people.”

References to the original: Address at the National Act of the Second Graduation Art Instructors, October 28, 2005

“Our youth always keeps alive the memory of those medical students and of all those students who fought against tyrannical and corrupt governments.”

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna, November 17, 2005

“Our youth always keeps alive the memory of those medical students and of all those students who fought against tyrannical and corrupt governments.”

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna, November 17, 2005

“If young people fail, everything will fail. It is my deepest conviction that young Cubans will struggle to prevent this. I have faith in you. ”

References to the original: Response to the Message from the Young Communists League, June 23, 2007
“To the youngest of our revolutionaries, in particular, I recommend to be extremely demanding with themselves and to observe an iron-clad discipline. They should avoid being ambitious for power, presumptuous or boasters. They should be watchful about bureaucratic methods and mechanisms […] use science and computation without falling prey to the excessively technical and unintelligible jargon of the elitist specialists.  They should always be hunger for knowledge; and perseverance, and both physical and mental exercises should be part of their lives.”
References to the original: Reflection by Fidel entitled An Epiphany Gift, January 14, 2008