
Cuba commemorates victims of State terrorism Day

Cuba is in mourning Tuesday, Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of State Terrorism, when recalling the more than 3,400 people who have died as a result of US aggressions against the island.
Traditionally, the date is commemorated with a march to Havana's Cristobal Colon Cemetery, to the Revolutionary Armed Forces pantheon.

At that site, a homage is paid to the 73 people who lost their lives aboard a Cubana de Aviacion airline on October 6, 1976 in the renowned Crime of Barbados, an act of sabotage organized by terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, both at the service of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
According to the document Demand of the Cuban people to the US government for economic damages, Washington's covert operations began in 1959, and since then, thousands of sabotages have been organized, executed, and financed.
A long list of terrorist actions to harm Cuba has risen in these six decades, which includes, in addition to the economic, military, biological, psychological, diplomatic, media and espionage attacks, attempts to assassinate leaders.
Some examples of terrorism against Cuba are the El Encanto Store sabotage on April 13, 1961, in which Fe del Valle lost her life; and the bomb explosion at the Copacabana Hotel, where young Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo died.
On April 30 this year, the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C. was the target of a terrorist action, when Cuban-born citizen Alexander Alazo fired more than 30 shots at the diplomatic headquarters.
So far, the US Government has not issued an official statement to condemn the event, which has been denounced by Cuba.
According to press reports, at least 3,478 people have died and 2,099 have been physically disabled for life as a result of Washington's violent plans against the island.
The Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of State Terrorism is endorsed in the Council of State's Decree-Law No. 279, which also establishes that every October 6, the Cuban flag is hoisted at half-mast, either in civil and military institutions, or in Cuban diplomatic and consular missions abroad.


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