
Cuban doctors increase attention in Jamaica against the Covid-19 (+Foto)

The contingent of Cuban doctors in Jamaica reported a total of 49,838 consultations at the end of July, considered a notable increase in the midst of the joint confrontation with the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to data provided to Prensa Latina by the Cuban embassy in Kingston, the brigade of 433 health personnel reported during July more than 1,500 cases compared to June, in an intensification of the support in the fight against Covid-19 and other pathologies.
With the commitment to offer well-being and under the humanistic principle of solidarity, the members of the Cuban brigade saved 870 lives and carried out 59,662 assistances, more than in June.
Cuban doctors increase attention in Jamaica against the Covid-19Despite Covid-19, the Cuban internationalists continue with the development of 'Operation Miracle' and of the total of 402 surgeries performed in July, 128 were retinal laser operations for the benefit of Jamaican residents.
The information shared by the Cuban embassy highlights that, to date, no positive cases of Covid-19 have been reported among the medical contingent.
According to the statistical report of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Jamaica reported in the last few days two deaths from Covid-19 and the number of confirmed with the coronavirus exceeds 900 infected, 82.1 percent of whom have already recovered.








The Cuban medical mission provides its services in the four regions of Jamaica, sharing activities in hospitals and primary care centers.


Prensa Latina

