
Diaz-Canel: Cuba defeats Covid-19 amid brutal US blockade

President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Thursday acknowledged the challenge posed by Covid-19 amid the brutal blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba's economic and financial activities.
'The outbreak of the new coronavirus posed a colossal challenge for us, because it appeared amid a gale of blockade actions that reached peaks in the history of that brutal genocide,' the president said on the Mesa Redonda (Round Table) radio and TV program.
However, the nation is preparing to resume normalcy in the middle of next week or the next one, he added.
'Inasmuch as we are more efficient, inasmuch as we get better results in the recovery stage, we will achieve normalcy more rapidly,' Diaz-Canel noted.
According to the head of State, Cuba demands a strategy of economic strengthening in light of the future world crisis due to the pandemic.
He highlighted the efforts made in such sectors as public health and science to organize a protocol to besiege the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
'There were no improvisations here when the first cases were reported, a magnificent articulation of civilian and military forces has been created to work on the same goal that has been protecting human life,' Diaz-Canel said.
He extolled the work of the Cuban collaborators who are supporting the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in more than 30 countries at the request of their governments.
In that regard, Diaz-Canel noted the visionary work of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, in strategic spheres like public health, science and human resources, who are increasingly qualified and trained.
'Above all in the principle of serving health and life free of a market vision that has broken and has made all possible expressions from a group of states and governments collapse under the current conditions,' he pointed out.


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