
Cuba and Ethiopia discussed bilateral and multilateral issues

The charge d'affaires of the Cuban embassy in Ethiopia, Natalys Dinza, spoke today with the general director for America and Europe of the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zenebe Kebede, on issues of bilateral and multilateral interest.
Kedebe highlighted the ties of friendship between both countries and Havana's position in defending issues related to Addis Ababa in international forums.
He also underlined Ethiopia's unwavering position in the fight to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States government against Cuba for more than six decades.
For her part, Dinza appreciated the opportunity to address topics of interest and expressed her willingness to continue working to strengthen bilateral relations in different areas. Likewise, she conveyed congratulations to the State Ministry on the occasion of the Ethiopian New Year 2017, this September 11.
Ethiopia has a calendar that is 13 months, seven years and eight months behind the Western Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the new year is celebrated on September 11.


Radio Habana Cuba

