
The Republic of Bolivia Joins and Signs the Joint declaration

Recognizing that the implementation of neo-liberal plans and policies has led to the proliferation and deepening of dependence, poverty, the pillage of our natural resources and a state of social inequality within our region,the genuine integration among the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean is an indispensable condition for sustainable development, alimentary security and sovereignty, in order to meet the necessities of our peoples,only the united actions by the Latin American and Caribbean nations, based on principles of cooperation, complementation, mutual aid and solidarity will allow us to preserve our independence, sovereignty and identity, and to be successful in our opposition to unilateralism and hegemonic aspirations, thus strengthening a  Peoples’ Trade Agreement.The struggle to improve the lot of human beings, friendship, solidarity and peace among all nations of the world must constitute the moral obligation of each and every government,
convinced of the need to promote a genuine fraternal, complementary and human  integration amongst our nations and our peoples, in the name of the Government of the Republic of Bolivia we would like to contribute to this process with the initiative of the Peoples’ Trade Agreements, making the goals, principles and ideological bases of ALBA, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of our Americas our own, contained in the joint declaration signed in Havana on the fourteenth day of December in the year two thousand and four, by the President of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba and the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Given in Havana, on April 29, 2006.

Evo Morales Ayma,

President of the Republic of Bolivia

