The world bids farewell to a giant of world history
From all corners of the planet, recognition of the life and work of one of the great leaders of the 20th century and thus far into the 21st - the guerilla in the Sierra Maestra and international statesman who changed forever the history of Latin America and the peoples of the world: Fidel Castro.
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was among the first to make a statemt following Fidel's death, late November 25, at 90 years of age, calling for the preservation of his anti-imperialist and emancipatory legacy, writing on his Twitter account, "Sixty years since the Granma yacht 's departure, Comandante Fidel Castro has passed into immortality."
Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, in a telephone contact with teleSUR, said that the best way to honor Fidel is to consolidate the unity of the world's peoples, and never forget his unrelenting resistance to the imperialist model, adding, "Fidel has given us lessons in struggle, perseverance, liberation, and the integration of the world's peoples."
Likewise, Salvadorian President Salvador Sánchez Cerén expressed "profound pain upon hearing of the death of a dear friend and eternal comrade," saying that Fidel would live forever in the hearts of peoples struggling for justice, dignity, and brotherhood.
Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico's head of state, emphasized the role played by the Comandante in promoting relations between the two countries, based on respect, dialogue and solidarity, while the daily La Jornada, with one of the highest circulations in the country, featured the news of Fidel's death, calling him a "central figure" of the 20th century.
India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, sent his condolences to the government and people of Cuba, writing on Twitter, "India mourns the loss of a great friend. May his soul rest in peace."
Sonia Gandhi, leader of the opposition Congress Party in this country, lamented the great loss and emphasized Fidel's struggle for the oppressed of the world, and his role in the Non Aligned Movement.
South African President Jacob Zuma, likewise expressed the pain he felt upon hearing of Fidel's death, "a great leader and revolutionary," saying, that the solidarity of Cuba in the struggle against apartheid would never be forgotten.
The president of the Russian Senate's international relations committee, Konstantin Kosachov, commented that Fidel will always be included in world history, since, with his leadership, Cuba was able to resist external pressure and chart its own course.
Cuban singer songwriter Silvio Rodríguez, on his blog Segunda Cita, sent his condolences to "Fidel's family and the people of Cuba, the world and universe, for the loss of one of the most extraordinary human beings of all times."
Ivan Marquez, head of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) negotiating team in peace talks with the Colombian government, said that the world had lost "the most admirable revolutionary of the 20th century," adding, "Thank you, Fidel, for your great love of Colombia. May the Peace Accords of Havana be our posthumous tribute."
Several Colombian media outlets interrupted their nighttime programming to broadcast news of the death of the Cuban leader, including RCN, Noticias 24 and Cable Noticias, featuring interviews and pieces on his life and work.
Both the influential magazine Semana and daily El Tiempo featured the news on their webpages.
The French daily Le Monde published a piece recalling the close relations Fidel shared with numerous intellectuals and artists of international renown, including Gabriel García Márquez and Jean-Paul Sartre.
In Ecuador, according to Prensa Latina, the Agencia de Noticias Andes disseminated Raúl Castro's announcement of the Comandante en Jefe's death, while the digital version of the daily El Telégrafo devoted several article on its front page to the leader of the Cuban Revolution.
The Italian news agencies AGI, ANSA, RAI, and important dailies like La Repubblica, Correire della Sera, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, and Il Messagero, featured the news on their webpages.