Speeches and Statements


We have been honored tonight. Not I, I wear this medal on my breast in the name of the people! Not I, it is the people who have received this medal, it is our Revolution, it is our revolutionary, Marxist fatherland, which has received this medal which bears the name of "Lenin Peace Prize"!


Esa Ley marcó el inicio de la lucha del imperialismo yanki contra nuestra patria; es decir que la Ley de Reforma Agraria fue el motivo de la guerra que los monopolios norteamericanos desataron contra nuestro país.  Más tarde vinieron una serie de leyes; pero la Ley que marcó el momento del inicio de las hostilidades contra nosotros fue esa Ley.  La razón, fácilmente comprensible, estaba en...


A people like that are an invincible people. A people like that, who in that manner so calmly, so admirably, confront such situations, are a people who have the right to win what they aspire to, which is peace, respect, dignity and prestige because we have long-range moral missiles that cannot and will never be dismantled. And that is our most powerful strategic weapon, for both defense and attack. That is why, here and now, I want...


All the nation has received with joy and enthusiasm the news of the constitution of our Central Committee. The names of the comrades which make up this committee as well as their history are well known. If all of them are not known by all our people, all are known by a large and important part of the nation. We have committed ourselves to choosing those who in our judgment represent in the most complete manner the history of our Revolution....


It was a day in the month of July or August of 1955 when we met Che. And in one night - as he tells in his accounts - he became a future expeditionary of the "Granma". But at that time that expedition had no ship, no weapons, no troops. And it was like this, along with Raúl, Che joined the group of the first two on the list of "Granma".


We have learned that lesson through historical dialectics, because in our march along a path full of difficulties and struggle our people has grown into a great people; while coping with great obstacles, great difficulties, the conscience of this country, the dignity of this country and the strength of this country have expanded. Just as the heroic struggle of other peoples against the imperialist enemy makes them evolve and become stronger,...


As of the second half of this year, the home-building effort will increase substantially across the country. But, where are we going to make the main emphasis? Our main emphasis will be made in the countryside, I mean the focus of our housing construction effort. And we will prioritize the construction of housing for the people who work in the People's Farms.