Viaje al Exterior

Brazil, 1993


Salvador de Bahia
July 14
•    Arrival at the air base of Salvador de Bahia.
•    Interview granted to the press at the Othon Palace hotel.
•    Conversation with Frei Betto, a Brazilian religious person and writer.
•    Conversation with Albano Franco, president of the National Industries Confederation of Brazil.
July 15

•    Conversation with Cesar Gaviria, President of Colombia.
•    Conversation with Carlos Salinas, President of Mexico.
•    Conversation with Patricio Aylwin, President of Chile, at Meridien Hotel.
•    Speech delivered in the Third Iberoamerican Summit, at the conference center.
•    Conversation with Felipe Gonzalez, President of the Spanish government, at the Othon Palace Hotel.
•    Fidel attended the dinner hosted in the honor of the Presidents attending the Third Iberoamerican Summit, at the colonial mansion ‘Solar de la Union’.
•    Conversation with Itamar Franco, President of Brazil, at the colonial mansion ‘Solar de la Union’.
•    Exchange with Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina, at the colonial mansion ‘Solar de la Union’.
•    Exchange with Ramiro de Leon Carpio, President of Guatemala, at the colonial mansion ‘Solar de la Union’.
•    Exchange with the King and Queen of Spain, at the colonial mansion ‘Solar de la Union’.
July 16

•    Visit to Pelourinho, the ancient part of the city.
•    Visit to the ‘Jorge Amado’ Foundation house.
•    Interview granted to the Cuban press at the Othon Palace hotel.
•    Fidel attended the closing ceremony of the Third Iberoamerican Summit, at the conference center.
July 17

•    Opening of the official headquarters of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), at the Latin America Memorial Cultural Center in Sao Paulo.
July 18

•    Interview granted to the national and international press.
•    Meeting with representatives and activists of the movement in solidarity with Cuba in Brazil, at the Othon Palace