
“We are not the kind of people who stop to enjoy the pleasure of their victories or to boast of their successes. With the experience we have gained, and the formidable strength we have accumulated, we will not relent until each and every one of the just goals we swore upon at Baraguá has been achieved.”

References to the original: Message from Fidel to the mass rally in Manzanillo, 1 July 2000

“Once and for all, they crushed the absurd idea that the suffering endured, and the blood and tears spilled throughout almost a hundred years of struggle for independence and justice against Spanish colonialism and its slavery-based model of exploitation, and later against imperialist domination and the corrupt and bloody governments imposed on Cuba by the United States, were to serve for the rebuilding of a neocolonialist, capitalist and bourgeois society.We did it at the exact and precise moment in history, not a minute before and not a minute later, and we were daring enough to attempt it”.

References to the original:

“We will continue onward victoriously, proving that in the unprecedented and enormously difficult conditions in which our heroic people have been obliged to struggle, the impossible is in fact possible”.

References to the original: Speech given at the inauguration ceremony for the Intensive Training Course for Comprehensive Junior High School Teachers, September 9, 2002

“There are some sly people who can hardly wait to launch new attacks; they are incapable of understanding that there is no power in the world that can defeat the Cuban revolution if, as we have done for half a century, we are able to perceive and overcome our mistakes and preserve the virtues which brought us, as they will always bring us, victory”.

References to the original: Speech at the ceremony to launch the 2003-2004, Septiember 8, 2003

“It is the ideas that bring us together, ideas make us a combatant people on a collective and not just an individual basis; ideas make us a mass of revolutionaries. Then, when all of the forces unite, then the people can never be defeated, and when the number of ideas grows, when the number of ideas and values to be defended grows and multiplies, that is when a people can truly never be defeated”.

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna

"(...) Nicolás Maduro, a man of the working class, modest, honorable and poor, who never aspired to any position whatsoever, and who is now devoting himself to fulfilling the responsibility placed in his hands by the unforgettable Hugo Chávez, leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, when fate prevented him from continuing to dedicate every minute, every second to what today constitutes humanity’s noblest dream".

References to the original: Letter from Fidel to Daniel Ortega