
ANAIC remembers Fidel Castro on his death anniversary

In statements to Prensa Latina, ANAIC’s President Marco Papacci stressed the importance of disseminating those films during this week to remember Fidel’s life and work on social media and the official website of the organization, with followers in 190 countries and more than 400 daily views.
Significantly, the second country with the highest number of visits to the ANAIC website is the United States, whose Government has tried to destroy the Cuban Revolution since its triumph in 1959 and maintains an economic, commercial, and financial blockade that violates the Cuban people’s human rights, Papacci said.
The initiative began on Monday with the screening of the film “Un día con Fidel” (A Day with Fidel) by Italian journalist Gianni Miná, based on an interview conducted on June 27, 1987, and the documentary “El mérito es estar vivo” (The Merit of Being Alive) by Cuban director Otto Miguel Guzman.
In this way, he said, “more than 4,500 members of that Association, grouped in 70 circles in all Italian regions, remember Fidel, who “turned his country into an independent nation, respected for his rebelliousness, courage, and altruism internationally, and left a mark in the world’s history.”
“Fidel has been the voice of those who have never had it in the international forums and fought for them until the last day of his life; for this reason, the whole world remembers him and pays tribute to him,” the ANAIC leader added.


Prensa Latina

