
Cuba-Russia Military Collaboration at Very Good Level

Military collaboration between Cuba and Russia is at a very good level and will continue developing, said in this capital today Gen. Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the Army General Staff of Russia.

After laying a wreath at the Mausoleum of Cacahual that pays tribute to Cuban pro-independence hero Antonio Maceo, Gerasimov said military cooperation between the two countries will be discussed during his visit.

He recalled that the two countries have long-standing collaboration in the field, and cited the training of military cadres, technical-military cooperation and operational-combat training.

Gerasimov, who arrived in Cuba yesterday, was welcomed at the Mausoleum by Gen. Alvaro Lopez Miera, First Deputy Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and Chief of the Army General Staff of Cuba.

He is scheduled to stay in Cuba through Sunday, April 21, and visit military units.


Prensa Latina

