
Cubans Mark 52th Anniversary of Bay of Pigs Victory

Cubans remembered here today the 52th anniversary of the victory over the US-trained and funded 1,500-men 2506 Brigade. 

The ceremony was held in this locality in southern Matanzas province, 220 km southeast of Havana, where the invaders were defeated in less than 72 hours. 

The main speech was delivered by Vianka Gomez, Secretary of the Communist Party of the Cienaga de Zapata municipality, who highlighted the historical coincidence, as today Venezuela is also marking the anniversary of its independence.

"Today, Nicolas Maduro, heir of unforgettable Commander President Hugo Chavez, will be taken oath as President of Venezuela," said the party leader, who called on new generations in Cuba to follow the struggle as heirs of those who died "for the victory of the noble ideas of our Revolution."

The Cuban victory in Bay of Pigs, in April, 1961, is considered the first great military defeat of the United States in Latin America and a symbol of the country's determination to decide its own destiny.


Prensa Latina

