
France Stresses Fidel Castro's Reflections on Environment

Intellectuals, diplomats, and politicians gathering at the third launch of the book Humanity's Right to Exist stressed the importance of the environmental thought of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, contained therein.

The text, edited by the Bruno Leprince publishing house in collaboration with the France-Cuba Group, was introduced at the Casa de America Latina here, after first being released at a national solidarity meeting with the Caribbean country in the town of Bagnolet and again in the city of Bordeaux.

General Secretary Dominique Leduc, of the France-Cuba group, spoke about the importance of this work, where the author warns that human species is in danger of extinction due to wars and unconscious action of people.

The Cuban ambassador to France Orlando Requeijo thanked the solidarity organization and the publishing house for coming up with the idea of translating the book into French and getting it published.

Requeijo explained that the book contains the speech given by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro during the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where he warned about the risks for mankind.

The text analyzes the ideas and messages by the leader of the Cuban Revolution related to sustainable development, which includes several factors, among them ecology, and social and economic affairs, he said.

During a ceremony held at the Casa de America Latina, Le Monde Diplomatique writer and journalist Hernando Calvo Ospina highlighted the work of the Cuban Revolution, which has not only been dedicated to the development of its people, but also to other countries.

Andre Chassaigne, president of the France-Cuba Friendship Group in the National Assembly, and ambassadors and diplomats from Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Cuba who are accredited to France and to the UNESCO, attended the book's release.


Prensa Latina

