
Helms-Burton Attacks Cuba's Independence, Dignity, Diaz-Canel Says

President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Wednesday denounced that the U.S.-applied Helms-Burton Act to destroy the revolution attacks Cuba''s independence and dignity.
'It represents the annexation and colonial desire, aims to bring about the change of the political and economic system in Cuba. It is an affront to our sovereignty and dignity. That's enough imperial threats,' the president posted on his Twitter account.
In force since 1996, the Helms-Burton Act codifies the U.S.-imposed economic, commercial and financial blockade to Cuba, and it seeks with its four titles to suffocate the country through direct interference in its internal affairs.
The North American initiative also has a marked extraterritorial nature, when trying to prevent foreign investment in Cuba.
Diaz-Canel described it on Twitter as absurd and illegal, and posted: 'We cannot legislate against the world, or ignore the sovereignty of each country.'
Washington announced this week that the filing -under Title III of the act- of lawsuits in U.S. courts against more than 200 Cuban companies included in a unilateral list of sanctions activated by the current administration in 2017, with the aim of intensifying the blockade, will be allowed as of March 19. It also decided to suspend for 30 days the possibility of initiating such actions against Cuban or foreign entities with commercial ties in the Caribbean country.
President Donald Trump had decided in January this year to suspend the effective application of Title III for 45 days instead of 180 that his predecessors established, betting on political blackmail and threat, the Cuban government rejected.


Prensa Latina

