
Mariana de Gonitch Academy Celebrates 90th Birthday of Fidel Castro

The Mariana de Gonitch National Singing Academy will offer today in Havana the second concert of the concert days entitled ''Fidel es Cuba'', in order to celebrate the 90th birthday of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution.
The director, Hugo Osle, said to Prensa Latina that the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples will host the concert of the young singers, who will perform patriotic songs as La Rosa Blanca, Claves Martianas, Canto Rebelde, El gran dia de enero and La Victoria.
After the success of the first of the concert days on last January at the Museum of the Revolution, the Mariana de Gonitch National Singing Academy will offer a beautiful concert in honor of Fidel, Hugo Osle said.
Osle recalled that every 13th day of each month the group founded by the Russian singing teacher after settling in Cuba in 1940, will offer a concert to honor the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution.
The Cuban actress Corina Mestre will accompany the singers in each tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, who on August 13 will celebrate his 90th birthday.


Prensa Latina

