


Visit to Argentina 03

Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz in the official photo for the MERCOSUR Heads of State of and Associated States Summit. Cordoba Argentina.

Visit to Argentina 02

Arrival of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz to the city of Cordoba, Argentina, host of the 30th MERCOSUR Heads of State of and Associated States Summit.

30th Anniversary of MERCOSUR

The press follows him at the entry of the venues where the 30th MERCOSUR and Associated States Summit is been held in Córdoba, Argentina.

The Americas, 1959

United States

(In response to an invitation conveyed by The American Society of Newspaper Editors)

April 15
•    Arrival at the military air transport service base.  Washington D.C., 9:02 p.m.
•    Brief comments to a radio network upon coming down the plane.
•    Interview by some US journalist on his arrival to Washington D.C. at the Cuban Embassy.
•    Tour round the streets of Washington D.C. Conversation with children, students, taxi drivers and newspaper vendors.